for a
secure retirement


Survive the next bear market. Portfolios designed to minimize losses during bad markets. Wiser Diversification broadens asset classes and reduces risk of big losses, and our Dividend Value equity strategy has historically out performed in bear markets.

Last Bear Market
2022 Total Return

Dividend Value (Net of Fees)
+ 0 %
S&P 500
- 0 %

Data: Tradition Investment Management, S&P Global Ratings. Past performance does not guarantee or indicate future results. Dividend Value figures are net total return. Return data for both Dividend Value and the S&P500 are 1Q22-4Q22 annualized. Assumes 1.0% annual fee, charged as 0.25% quarterly. Please see our Dividend Value page and read the firm’s full performance disclosure.


Thrive with a strategy that has produced strong results. If you invested $100 in Dividend Value in October of 2000, you would have $872.10 net of fees. Over the same time, the S&P 500 would’ve grown to $630.70

Inception:10/31/2000. Data: Tradition Investment Management, S&P Global Ratings.
Past performance does not guarantee or indicate future results. Assumes fee of 1.0% compounded since inception. Figures rounded to the nearest tenth. Please read the firm’s full performance disclosure.


Arrive at retirement with the ability to do what you want with financial security and knowledge that your retirement is secure.

Tradition has a long record of providing above-market returns through a repeatable and sustainable investment process.

Learn more about our conservative strategies

Learn more about our conservative strategies

Dividend Value

Our strategy has historically resulted in above-market performance for more than two decades, through all market environments. Historically, we have outperformed during difficult bear markets but have participated in bull markets.

Diversified Strategies

Adding additional asset classes reduces the risk of the portfolio with minimal or no loss in expected return. By utilizing more than just the typical 60% stocks and 40% bonds standard portfolio, you can reduce the probability of big losses.